Projet 2014: Amélioration de la production et de la commercialisation du raisin d'Amani.
Tanzania is one of the poorest countries of the world, according to Human Development Index of the United Nations Development Program. The Tanzanian economy is mainly based on agriculture that represents almost half the nation GDB and 70% of the employment.
Recent years have seen a tendency, common to several countries of east Africa, to the increase of vineyard areas in the region of Dodoma, the country’s capital. In Tanzania, the grape-growing was introduced by the Christian missionaries coming from Europe in the 19th century and supported by numerous national policies (pilot farms, research centers …). Today, domains are getting bigger to Satisfy a double demand in wine: the one of occidental tourists and the one of the growing tanzanian middle class. Thus, the wine growing represents on the whole a promising market in the coming years but also faces boom and slump periods.
Vinayard in Tanzania
Our partner
Amani Development Organization (ADO), our study’s sponsor, is a Tanzanian NGO set up in the Dodoma rural district, in the region of Dodoma, since 2000. The director and founder of the association John Naumann, native of Australia, is officially established in the Makangwa village since 2005. ADO works in close collaboration with the local population to develop the region economy and reduce poverty. The NGO carries out several projects in the domains of health, education and agriculture. Having identified vine growing has a powerful level of development; ADO supports the grape producers of the region.
Mission’s reasons
So far, the vine producers of the region have been selling their raw grapes (table grapes and grapes for wine) to individuals and wineries. They are victims of the wine market fluctuations and often find themselves in precarious situations. It is necessary today that they acquire new knowledge and skills in order to, on one hand, increase their sales by improving the production and its commercialisation, and on the other, secure their incomes by diversifying their production.
The mission participates in the achievement of a global goal that is “increase and secure the vine producers’ incomes of the Dodoma region”.The specific goal of our MJE concerns the diversification of the incomes and the increasing of raw grapes sales (table grapes and grapes for wine) of small producers of this region through a study of the grapes industry.
The study area is delimited by the three villages of Mvumi Mission, Mvumi Makulu and Makangwa.
The sub-objectives are as follows :
- To improve quantitatively and qualitatively the vineyard production
- To improve the grapes marketing
- To develop a pilot project on the processing of grapes in raisin.