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​​- Our formation gives us the opportunity to acquire methodology tools to manage your development projects

- Being supported by qualified PhD is a guarantee for the good quality of our expertises.

- More than these points, by the diversity of situations we faced, each one of us acquired personnal competences and abilities. We gather these abilities to answer to your problems and to make your projects


- Our ability to speak more than 3 languages and our facility to adapt ourselves to a lot of different situations made us able to act effectively in rural areas.


4rth year students in french engineering school, we acquired lots of competences thanks to our formation and professional international in-field missions.





Our abilities

- Marketing network improvement:

Studies from production to commercialisation.

- Support to local communities:

Groupments' creation, Incomes' diversification.

- Regional planning:

Fight againsts degradation, ecosystem's valorisation.

- Food security:

Valorisation of the production and improvement of food self-suffiency

Areas of activity

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