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February 2014: EVADE will work with the NGO ADO this summer. More information on this page.
January 17th 2014: EVADE will be in charge of snacks' stand at the professional meeting at ISTOM.
December 7th 2013: EVADE will be present at student's parents meeting at ISTOM.
December 2013: Service delivery at Maxi Toys shop to finance our project 2014.
November 2013: Sale of crafts from all around the orld on Val d'Oise markets to finance our project 2014.
Octobrer 2013: Set up of a partnership with the Auto Ecole des Linandes to finance our project 2014.
Octobrer 2013: EVADE's members came back to school.
June 2013: EVADE's members left France to realise their 3rd year internship in enterprise al around the world.
May 24th 2013 : Sale of snacks at Festival'Arrach 2013.
March 22nd, April 12th et April 30th 2013: Sale of sandwich at ISTOM to finance our project 2014.
February 2013: Integration to Equit'Atlas' association.
February 2013: Meeting with EDRA's members
January 2013: Foundation of our work group.