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EVADE work on your ongoing or future projects !

The expertise can be :

​     - a diagnosis

     - a feasability study

     - a market research

     - an impact assessment

     - study about a specific product or process

​Within the context of our studies, we offer to realise an expertise proposed by a partner operating in  international development.

This partner can be either and non governmental organisation, an enterprise, a research center, a territorial collectivity or a producer cooperative.

The mission begins by a preparation and study period of 16 months. After this period, EVADE team goes in field for a period of 1 or 2 months.

Presentation of the "Mission Jeunes Experts" (MJE)

EVADE shares her expertise abilities to serve professionals of international development.

EVADE shares its abilities to realise a rural development project.

4- Repporting period


3- In field period


1- Looking for a partner and determination of the study's object.


2- Determination of the mission and methodology's set up.


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